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Chris Sherman

Public Health Educator, Chronic Disease & Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit

The Physical Literacy Chatham-Kent (PLCK) Project

The Physical Literacy Chatham-Kent (PLCK) Project started when the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario received a Grow Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) that facilitated the development of a multi-sector, collaborative action plan regarding physical literacy in Chatham-Kent. Partners included the Lambton Kent District School Board and St. Clair Catholic District School Board; Municipality of Chatham-Kent’s Public Health Unit, Department of Child Care and Early Years and Recreation Services; YMCA of Southwestern Ontario, and Sport for Life. Through the project over 800 community leaders were trained in best practice tools and techniques to foster physical literacy in children and youth. This presentation will provide a general overview of the project, specifically highlighting the mentorship program and implementation within the child care and education settings.

Chris Sherman
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